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Games for Windows Live Crashing on Login Updated FREE

Games for Windows Live Crashing on Login

  • Games for windows live client cannot install

    Please aid me to install Games For Win Alive
    Vista home sp2 with 2 due north 2g of ram 32-fleck cadre system.
    After downloading the file necessary gfwl, after installation, when I try to connect using my valid passport id in the Launcher fault message will produce.., stating that my client had problem and work stoppage. Need aid please, I accept tried with my laptop xp no problem at all, information technology is only with my office. I tried to many now install and uninstall process.
    Give thanks U.

    Hi D33Viilz,

    I found a mail on the Games for Windows Live site that has addressed your question.  Here are the steps and the link to the original post:

    If you're running Vista, yous tin non uninstall all .NET Framework before 3.0.

    If you oasis't already, yous will need to download 3.v SP i here: http://world wide

    If you are running Windows seven, it should have the well-nigh recent of the .Cyberspace Framework.

    Also, I would say that you are using the tool Modernistic proposed ( to completely remove Microsoft Games for Windows LIVE and Alive Redistributable.

    When you accept finished using the cleanup utility, bank check that information technology has been removed through programs and features.

    Restart your PC, and then re-download the newest Customer of Games for Windows LIVE here:

    Original Link:

    I hope this helps!

    Microsoft Answers Support Engineer
    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let u.s. know what yous think

  • Games for Windows Alive Client & 8_bug Windows

    There is a bug that has to do with the overlay of Games for Windows Live in the Games for Windows games. The surfaces of bug when I try to download the content in a game. The issues seems manageable and simple yet I don't have remedies to solve the problem. In this lodge, I try to download the content in a game this error came out. Then clicking on solve minimizes the game total screen, at the same time opens the games for Windows Marketplace on the desktop. When you optimize the game keeping new engine of games for Windows Marketplace on Part Online a different error is output after trying to download content.

    If I have windows games for Windows Market place on Part Online before you start the game, I want to download the content to go in a game using the Games for Windows, in the game of downloads will be overlapping downloaded successfully.

    I am interested in solving the bug that I describe.

    I already looked at: Back back up. I called the GFWL support: (877)274-4349 where you suggest directly to ask on the forums of Windows 8, if it's a question of Windows 8.

    I don't know what inverse, but the games for Windows Live Marketplace working once again every bit information technology should.

  • Games for Windows Live client questions!

    Trying to install this a download merely I get an error "Required Windows component is disabled" but no other aid? Any ideas delight?

    OK, took the easy way out...

    Created a new account and everything seems to work very well.

    Thanks for the aid



  • Games for Windows Live (GFWL) on Windows viii


    I'chiliad under 64-bit Windows 8 and we found that all games that employ GFWL will not work. Yet, each game does something differently.

    -The games also running through Steam do non work either.

    -For a single match, GFWL does not work when the game starts so I tin can't salve information technology.
    -For some other game, GFWL runs, but then crashes once I endeavor to exercise anything in this regard, such equally sign or view my account - no error message.

    I looked on the forums and have tried everything my motorcar GFWL wiping and reinstalling, updating my drivers video and nothing seems to work!

    Considering if it is a Microsoft product I find information technology quite incredible that I have so many problems.

    Thank you.

    Hi Michael,

    I suggest you lot to ask your question on the Forums XBOX Alive for amend back up.

    Games for Windows LIVE game back up

    How to use Games for Windows - LIVE

    Also, try to install the last version of the Games for Windows Live client and cheque if that helps.

    For more information related to Windows, experience gratis to mail. We will exist happy to aid you.

  • Games for windows live password incorrect claims

    I recently bought gears of war using microsoft marketplace. I played before games other than apply games for windows alive and had no problems, but these were download using steam instead of games for windows live client (such equally fallout 3 and dead rising ii). When I downloaded the client I was unable to open a session every bit he claims that my information is incorrect, my ID or countersign. Even so, I can connect Market place on a browser, but after that I downloaded this games for windows client my other games Microsoft would no longer connection, with a "could not connect to the live account. Mistake appearing in the overlay in the games. I can at present no longer play whatever of my Microsoft online games that I tin't sign the client or in the game. But every bit I said before I can sign in the marketplace with the same data on a browser and also msn with the same information.


    I suggest y'all according to the question in this forum and check if that helps:

    It will exist useful.

  • Games For Windows Live (800488EB error Code)

    I have the version of GTA4 PC (bought via steam) and this game like many others use the Games for Windows Alive customer.  The game worked fine and online (via my gamertag xbox live) for about half a year at present until 2 months ago.  After yous download a GFWL update for their client, I was unable to connect to my account via GFWL.  In game, just to say that my gamertag did not be, which wasn't true because I could sign in here, and Windows Alive site.  When I tried to connect using the GFWL market he gave me the error lawmaking 800488EB authentication failed. Can you lot assistance me delight someone, I would really similar to play my games again online.

    How-do-you-do - Valx-,

    Endeavour the link here for help in connecting to Games for Windows. web-marketplace/

    Click here for the contact information for Games for Windows Live.

    I hope this helps.

    Give thanks you

    Microsoft Answers Support Engineer
    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and permit us know what you recall

  • Launch of Games For Windows Live doesn t

    Hi I k Aris and the utilise of windows vii, my problem is Games For Windows Live the launch of doesn t at all I think I deleted after using ccleaner but I reinstalled batman and that information technology was necessary to remind that I downloaded and installed information technology again, it shows only microsoft market and asks me to sign in etc etc. I can t detect anywhere Games For Windows Live I installed the game and the marketplace of microsoft again and again looked for much but cypher I used it for a game and the only batman arkham city so I put t know much about the program, in my stance, he has appeared in the start carte du jour programs it s not here any help delight the game works well, but I tin't save my progress I've updated everything windows update manager application.

    In C:\Program Files (x 86) \Microsoft Games for Windows - Alive\Client I detect the GFWLClient icon too but when I click on it I'k waiting a few seconds later just still information technology turns of the marketplace. ijist want to creat a profile offline nix else think me

    Thanks for your fourth dimension


    The question you lot posted would exist improve suited in the forums of Windows games. states/Games/PC-games/game-support

  • Games for windows Live ERROR

    I installed games for Windows Live Client. I accept internet but when I opened it shows an error on the internet connexion. Please give me the solution

    And I want to know the utilize of gfwlive, and if we tin save game with it so how...  Please allow...

    Hello Keshav,

    Please keep u.s. updated on the status of the result.

    I suggest you lot try the following article and cheque if it helps.

    Thank you

  • Games for Windows Alive does not open

    Hello. I had the Client Games for Windows Live and the market installed on my PC for some time now (several years). I played many games, such as Halo 2, Grand Theft Auto Iv, Batman: Arkham City, etc., which crave this piece of shit software. Withal, recently, I've been making mistakes where I can't run Arkham City in what appears to be an error related to the GFWL client. Of course, when I tried to open market place Games for Windows LIVE, I see the splash screen, only after a few seconds information technology disappears and the program does not start. I tried to reinstall both on the market place and the customer, each instance of the .NET Framework and Bing Bar, only also reset Cyberspace Explorer and run CCleaner registry cleaning, all to cipher is helping. I paid for all of these games and I'm non going to sit idly by considering of a foreign trouble with a piece - of-* DRM software. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    I thought it would exist more elementary, just obviously, these errors tin can be acquired by multiple scenarios

    • (Y'all have probably tried this) Download xbox.comGFWL client, some people say that the steam of an offer is cleaved
    • Install Windows Live ID Sign-Assistant (I'm very positive with this 1)
    • Check services.msc to Windows Alive ID Sign-Sorcerer it should be in the manual
    • DirectX updates could set information technology (I've seen reports of which fixed for some people)
    • Update your graphics carte du jour driver from the manufacturer's website  (also this resolved for some)
    • run sfc/scannow to elevated command prompt (last call)

    Also, yous tin can cheque your crash logs in %localappdata%\Microsoft\GFWLive\ I think to run across if they show you something unlike from the error y'all get

  • Games for windows live cannot connect

    Games for windows live cannot connect to the internet, this problem started concluding week when I tried to play Dawn of war 2 online. At that time I was running Vista Ultimate 64 bit and after exhausting all existing boards on this site and many others, I decided to completely format my PC and commencement again with Windows 7 64 bit, just I take the aforementioned trouble verbal. only now my contour is no longer stored on my PC because I formatted so I can still play offline.

    Later on trying to connect, it says "the profile could not be connected to LIVE. "There may exist a network problem or the Windows Live ID service may non be available" option on the GFWL client network status says:

    NIC: Local ii network connection

    Internet IP address: non connected

    Local IP accost: 192.168.two.9:0

    System link address: 192.168.ii.9:3074

    Account PC: PC.000000000000

    UPnP: Not signed in

    PC ID: 0X10DF99910D0A00E8

    I take made the following recommended to others in similar situations, has passed all the recommended ports (TCP 53,fourscore,443,3074) and UDP 53,88,3074, installed and running Windows fix it, Microsoft.Net 4.0 update, installed and run Winsockfix, disabled windows firewall (I have non installed any other protection software notwithstanding) compatible UPnP on my router, changed my static connection type and withal no progress. My router is supported and I am in a country supported direct (Great britain). This my independent existence, simply I likewise experience certificate errors when you use Microsoft sites, which is strange as I said that the Spider web site of the company that developed the program that I utilise is dangerous. It's my totally finished in guys whatsoever help would Really exist apreciated. Cheers.

    I can't believe ive finally resolved, hours after validation. the push on my motherboard battery had been dislodged and my date and time have been reset in 2009, whenever I stop my PC. everything is working fine now GFWL working and no more than certificate errors.

  • Games for windows live marketplace-help?

    Sir please help... I downloaded age of empires online and I need its product keys. so I logged into windows alive marketplace and he says:

    • Failed to retrieve history.sign buy exterior and try again later.

    Mr please... Help out me!

    Hello Muhammad,

    Cheers for your update on the issue and I repent for my late respond.

    It is unfortunate that you were unable to recover the buy history.

    I suggest refer you to the following link and scroll down to the bottom of the page to the bottom and refer to the procedure described in the section: fault: error recover your buy history

    Promise this information is useful. Please practise non hesitate to reply, in the case where y'all are facing in the future other bug with Windows. We will be more than than happy to help you over again.

  • Games for windows Live does non work on the games?


    I bought guerrilla ruby faction 2011 on steam. I did the installation of clicked cloth expected to download so when I got circular to play, he said Xlive.dll is missing from you're reckoner re install the plan can solve this problem. But anyhow this isn't why I enquire this question when I enter my windows live game isn't on the game I press home nothing happens so I tin't save my game information technology says when I click on play on steam, it is said that its installation, just information technology does nothing please aid I love this game into pieces! :(

    Many old games install an outdated version or GFQL.
    Try to download and install the latest version of GFWL-

    Download: Details games for the installation of software for Windows 3.v - Microsoft Download Eye - Download

    Support stuff more GFWL.

    Games for Windows - LIVE: Support Documents

    "When I enter my windows live game isn't on the game when I click on the game on steam, it is said that its installation, but information technology does nothing.

    Don't know what yous're saying.
    -"When enter yous your game;
    This would indicate that the game is installed, Yes?

    -"When I click on play on steam information technology says that his installation--
    While the game may have installed does non mean that Steam will allow you lot to play over again. Almost always fixes/updates Steam games (even solo) before it will allow you play.
    It is the same for the Steam Client. They tried to make updates at different times, and you have
    Let him do what he wants.

    -"I press home nothing happens and so I tin't save my game it says.
    You can ordinarily save a game without logging in GFWL, simply when you lot can't.
    or do non want to access GFWL online, it will non salvage your progress and stats on your online GFWL
    business relationship for everyone to encounter.
    When a game when steam is offline, you can not connect to GFWL beingness GFWL
    a line only "Star".

    For more data, endeavor medium Steam-
    Knowledge Base - Steam support

  • Games for Windows Live Marketplace/customer refuses to install

    Hello in that location, every bit the title suggests, games for Windows Alive Marketplace/customer refuses to install.

    I tried downloaded the file several times, install several times, running through a few things that others take posted, despite my trouble is not the aforementioned and null then far.

    What happens is, when you open the customer immediately, without visibly doing anything, stops and says;

    Installation failed
    An fault has occurred. Mistake lawmaking: 0 x 80070057
    Please visit our homepage to back up for possible solutions: (button)
    For more than information well-nigh why this mistake occurred, please check log files: (button)

    Search the error code returns results that are not relevant to me, and nobody seems to have the same problem as I am, with her not get up later on initial start-upwards.

    Every bit the log file suggest you, I am running 64 scrap Windows 8 Pro.

    Logging started: 25/02/2013 12:47:03
    Source file: D:\Downloads
    OS v6.2 (version 9200) 64 - bit
    Bone production blazon: 0 x 00000030
    The user by default LCID: 0 x 0409
    Command line: "D:\Downloads\gfwlivesetup (one) .exe".
    (12: 47:03) Direct DL: 0
    (12: 47:03) Recent DL: 0
    (12: 47:03) offer ID:
    (12: 47:03) Initialized
    (12: 47:03) C:\Users\Nick\AppData\Local\Microsoft\GFWLive\Downloads download folder
    (12: 47:03) version download file for C:\Users\Nick\AppData\Local\Microsoft\GFWLive\Downloads\gfwlivesetup_15560.ver
    (12: 47:03) initialized resources
    (12: 47:03) Download condition:
    (12: 47:03) download status:
    (12: 47:03) download status:
    (12: 47:03) download condition: application/octet-stream
    (12: 47:03) download status:
    (12: 47:03) Download status: C:\Users\Nick\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\7NPLHSZ1\gfwlivesetup[ane].txt
    (12: 47:03) download status:
    (12: 47:03) current version: iii.5.0089.0 (WGX_XLIVE_V3.05_RTM (panblder). 110411-1052)
    (12: 47:03) the most recent version:
    (12: 47:03) Failed download [Lawmaking: 80070057 0 x]
    (12: 47:03) an error occurred. Error code: 0 x 80070057
    (12: 47:03) an fault occurred. Error code: 0 ten 80070057

    having the aforementioned problem. trying to play gtaIV on windows 8.1

    tried to install GFWmarketplace. simply his failure. have downloaded the files, but it cannot continue to install.

    See the log... assist please.

    Logging started: 17/03/2015-sixteen:28:x
    Source file: C:\Users\RogerAnthony\Downloads
    Os v6.1 (build 7600) 64 - scrap
    OS product type: 0 ten 00000003
    The user by default LCID: 0 ten 3409
    Command line: "C:\Users\RogerAnthony\Downloads\gfwlivesetup.exe."
    (16:28:10) Straight DL: 0
    (sixteen:28:ten) recent DL: 0
    (xvi:28:10) ID of the offer:
    (16:28:10) Initialized
    (16:28:11) download C:\Users\RogerAnthony\AppData\Local\Microsoft\GFWLive\Downloads binder
    (16:28:eleven) initialized resources
    (16:28:11) file version C:\Users\RogerAnthony\AppData\Local\Microsoft\GFWLive\Downloads\gfwlivesetup_19165.ver download
    (xvi:28:eleven) download status:
    (16:28:11) download condition: 64.four.11.25
    (16:28:fifteen) download status:
    (16:28:15) download status: text/plain
    (sixteen:28:15) download status:
    (16:28:15) download status: C:\Users\RogerAnthony\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\6J603I1K\gfwlivesetup[1].txt
    (16:28:15) download status:
    (sixteen:28:15) current version: 3.5.0089.0 (WGX_XLIVE_V3.05_RTM (panblder). 110411-1052)
    (16:28:15) latest version: 3.5.0089.0
    (16:28:16) download redists only
    (16:28:16) Microsoft Games for Windows - LIVE (pending)
    (sixteen:28:16) games for Windows Market place Client (pending)
    (16:28:16) Microsoft .NET Framework (plant)
    (16:28:16) Windows Live ID Sign - in Banana (pending)
    (16:28:16) download Notification of kickoff: 0
    (16:28:16) Microsoft Games for Windows - Live (download...)
    (16:28:18) increased by 15%
    (16:28:18) Microsoft Games for Windows - Alive (downloaded)
    (16:28:18) download Notification of beginning: 1
    (16:28:eighteen) games for Windows Market Client (download...)
    (16:28:xx) rise by 43%
    (16:28:20) games for Windows Marketplace Client (downloaded)
    (16:28:twenty) download Notification of get-go: 3
    (16:28:twenty) Windows Live ID Sign-in Assistant (download...)
    (16:28:22) rise past 100%
    (16:28:22) Windows Live ID Sign-in Banana (downloaded)
    (xvi:28:22) download Notification of inflow: 0
    (16:28:22) Install began
    (xvi:28:22) install Notification of first
    (xvi:28:22) Microsoft Games for Windows - LIVE (check...)
    (16:28:22) Microsoft Games for Windows - LIVE (pending)
    (16:28:22) InstallProduct error: 0x800b0003
    (16:28:22) an error has occurred. Error code: 0x800b0003
    (xvi:28:22) an error has occurred. Error code: 0x800b0003

  • Virtua Tennis 4 - games for Windows LIVE

    Virtua Tennis 4 cannot start (steam purchase) considering the game cannot connect to Games for Windows live service. It turns out that Batman Arkham Asylum is unable to access the service, too. And so the problem seems to be related to the service. Uninstall and attempt to reinstall the service appears a window of compatibility trouble known for her, a help line (via the button) is currently (29/12/2012) is not available.

    Without the service won't start fifty-fifty Virtua Tennis.

    On my sons calculator (RC Win8) the service works correctly (with him), and so it might be a trouble with the configuration of my figurer (PC connected to the DC games started through local account). I know that some games have problems trying to run them from a DC user (perhaps because of the redirected folders), just the local user was the way to get. Not the case this time.

    Thanks for the quick response!

    Virtua Lawn tennis four error message has

    "Fatal Error!"
    Could not initialize the Games for Windows Alive. This application volition exist closed.

    Uninstall the "games for Windows - Alive redistributable Microsoft ' and 'Microsoft Games for Windows Market' and resettlement of did the trick.



    commencement a few times I have uninstalled, and used the Setup program provided with the game (compatibility issue window), later I ran the installation from the web site. The installer institute the client already installed (merely did not check the version?) and took the plunge. But afterwards uninstallation, the right client has been downloaded.

  • Games for Windows Live Crashing on Login



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